Just created an asset.
Don’t know how to name it…
Don’t know where to put it…
So it’s a naming convention that you need.
A good search bar is enough you say?
Still. A good folder structure would help.
And naming assets consistently won’t hurt.
What naming convention should I use in Unity?
What naming convention should I use in Unity?
Use PascalCase (ThisIsAnExample) when naming files but also in code for classes, methods, public variables and properties.
Use camelCase (thisIsAnExample) when naming local variables, parameters and _camelCase for private variables.
This is inspired by Microsoft’s C# guidelines.
Where do I put things?
Folders structure
- 3rd-Party – Anything from the Asset Store that has its own structure
- Animations
- Audio
- Materials
- Models
- Plugins
- Prefabs
- Resources
- Textures
- Scenes
- Scripts
- Editor
- Shaders
Scene structure
- Management
- UI
- Cameras
- Lights
- World
- Terrain
- Props
- Runtime
Now go clean your room.